

Our online platform that makes your work easier

Tired of all those separate e-mails? Qlab lets you quickly request the right samples or analyses and track measurement results in real time. You can also request deliveries or organise collections and samplings, in addition to the possibility to import Excel sheets and print barcodes. This way, you organise your entire workflow within one user-friendly platform. Pretty handy, right?

Error prevention

Greater efficiency

Fast requests

Real-time results

You also avoid extra administration costs because from 1 January 2025, additional fees will be charged for the manual processing of requests, while everything is 100% free of charge via Qlab! 

Step-by-step plan

How to use Qlab

Request an order

Request collection

Request a sample

Request delivery

View result

Qlab tutorials

How exactly does Qlab work? From creating an account to tracking your results, you’ll find all the information you need in our manuals, videos and tutorials:

Qlab training courses

We provide free training courses and webinars to fully immerse you in using Qlab and show you all the benefits of this high-performance customer environment.

Interested? Register right away and we’ll contact you as soon as possible for a suitable date.

Customer Service

Need some help? Contact our customer service at customerservice@ecca.be or call +32 9 252 64 44.